Friday, July 25, 2008

The Bronco Season Has Begun!

I'm so excited to see the start of Denver Broncos Football season. Today was the first day of training camp that saw the players take the field. Unfortunately, we've already lost one our draft picks for the season due to injury and another suffered a broken hand (not sure of the long term prognosis for him). I'm only praying that "injury" does not become the theme for the team this year. I may not be able to take another season like last.
I'm proud to be a fan of a team that had a player like Rod Smith for so many years. He announced his retirement and did it with class and emotion. I've never read anything that bashed Rod. People in general, and especially the fans of the Broncos absolutely loved this guy. Personally, aside from his amazing football talent, I think it's because he's got that good old fashioned strong work ethic, integrity, character, and humility. He's a stud for sure! There's a great video of his farewell speach over at my favorite Broncols Blog site - BroncoTalk. You can link to it from here.

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