Wednesday, August 27, 2008

WAAG - Weekend Almost Alone With God

Just returned home from a WAAG. Facilitated through Caleb's Heart Ministries and, for this particular weekend, led by Rob Cupp.
I had much apprehension prior to leaving, know that the schedule for the weekend was to be alone (most of the weekend) in the woods with God. Would He show up? Would He speak to ME? I don't particularly love being alone, would I be able to handle it?
Arriving Friday afternoon at the main camp, I was issued a tent, sleeping pad, and folding camp chair along with my own camping site approximately 200 yards away from the main camp. The instructions were contained in a notebook that I also received and basically outlined that I would be with the other men (2 cooks, the leader, and five other WAAG'ing men) for dinners and campfire, breakfast Saturday morning, and that the remaining hours I was on my own. There was also some very helpful information that helped "guide" me towards a readiness to be with and hear from the Father.
I must admit that Friday afternoon was a little long and I was anxious for dinner so that I could be reunited with the others.
Saturday, however, went surprisingly fast. I even felt at one point an urgency that I was not going to have enough time with the Lord. I spent the day reading in the book of Acts, sitting without words, hoping the Father would speak, stoking my little campfire, and listening to some worship music on my wife's Ipod. I had about an hour of GOOD worship time that afternoon just singing aloud and prasing God for who He is. This may have been my highlight.
After the weekend was over I knew what God is asking from me is quite simple in nature; He simply wants me to make time for Him. It took me awhile to decompress from life, work, family, bills etc. so I know that I'll have to be intentional about this. It will require adequate time and adequate space.
Fortunately, where I work provides me a certain number of days per year, called DAWG's (Day Alone With God). Until this weekend, I've never taken advantage of that.
Now that I know I can do it, have a greater "feel" for what's it's like, and hearing my God ask me to do it, that's what I fully intend to do.
Thank you God for pursuing me!

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