Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Jam packed July!

Wow, July feels like a tornado and just as fast as it rolled in, it's almost over.

Cheryl spent several days on the road with a group of teenagers travelling from Denver to Seattle with several missions and recreational stops along the way. This was part of Kingdom Building Ministries "16 Days" program. I know it was a challenge for her, especially from a physical exhaustion standpoint. God stretched her in many ways, however, and I know she added a great deal to the program. She was able to connect well with the students, especially the four girls. I know God did great things in each persons life that was on that trip and I'm so thankful she was able to be a part of it. Here's a couple of photos:

In addition to that, Jonah spent a week at church camp, Id Ra Ha Je (I'd Rather Have Jesus). It was his first week "doing camp" and he handled it like a champ. He had an awesome counselor named Drew, loved riding horses, swimming, playing carpet ball (kind of like shuffle board on a table with pool balls), going to chapel, and he even took another kid under his wing that was struggling with missing his mom. What a stud!

Finally, we had the annual Hayes family camping trip. This year it was four days above 10,000 feet at Turquoise Lake near Leadville, CO. The weather was perfect, we all had a great time, caught three fish, four wheeled up Hagerman Pass to 11,725 feet, rode bikes and just enjoyed being together again.

(This picture is of Jonah and myself at the summit of Hagerman Pass looking to the west towards Basalt, CO.)

Now we're trying to adjust to what "normal" used to be like. The summer interns that were living with us have gone home, there are no more trips planned, Jonah's baseball season has only one game left, and school will be starting before you know it. Where does the time go?

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