Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A new leader and a battle for Unity

Wow, election day! Who will it be?

I'm constantly reminding myself that regardless of who wins, God (and God alone) remains high and exalted on His throne. My trust is in the Lord alone, not any man here on earth.

Unity seems to be a theme in my life as of late. Unity is that special bond between and husband and wife, parent and child, working team within an organization, and possibly even a professional football team. (Unfortunately, my team does not show ANY sign of unity at the moment).

Unity is worth fighting for, especially in those relationships closest to us. I noted just yesterday to some friends of mine that some of the most apparent things that destroy unity are: Pride, Selfishness, Laziness, lacking a Servant nature, and the absence of prayer and intake of God's Word.

Fight for Unity in your relationships! It's certain to cause a swift blow the enemy.